Third Grade Reading Legislation
The Third Grade Reading legislation requires each district to implement an on-going norm-referenced assessment (like the NWEA MAP Test) to identify each child’s reading progress.
Beginning with the 2019-20 school year, all third graders in Michigan are required to meet the state’s reading proficiency criteria on the M-STEP and/or qualify for a good cause exemption as defined in PA 306, in order to be promoted to fourth grade.
For continued support in reading, please contact your child’s teacher. For more on the state’s Read By Grade Three Law, go to the Michigan Department of Education’s webpage on early literacy (, where you can find helpful information and resources.
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Early Childhood Programs
Information on Early Childhood Programs at Ypsilanti Community Schools.
Visit the Early Childhood Programs page
Student Support Services
Ypsilanti Community School provides services to students with disabilities in a continuum of educational environments, from regular class placements with special education services and programs to full-day programs in county-based programs.
Visit the Student Support Services page
M-STEP Parent Information
Common Core
How are 'Common Core' standards playing out in Michigan classrooms today?
Back in 2010, the State Board of Education approved the Common Core State Standards for Michigan — a set of math and English goals for K-12 students.
Explantion of standards
Reading Reasons: Motivational Mini-Lessons for Middle and High School
Link to article