Kindergarten Choices: Enroll Now!

Welcome Kindergarten Registration - ABC Blocks

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten is an important milestone in a child's life, and as a parent, you want to make sure that your child receives the best education possible. There are many different options available for parents at Ypsilanti Community Schools when it comes to registering their child for kindergarten.

To learn more about our programs, attend one of our Kindergarten Registration and Open House sessions.

Please see the left-hand column for more information about our Kindergarten Guidelines.

Attend an In-Person Kindergarten Round-up (Click on individual schools below for times.)

Welcome to Kindergarten Registration

Ford STEAM ELC Kindergarten Registration Day—Tuesday, March 4, 2025 —Time: From 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.—Includes Spanish Immersion Presentation Spanish Immersion

Spanish Immersion

Ford STEAM ELC—March 4, 2025—Time: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Registration

 Kindergarten School Choices and Information

Ford Early Learning Center

2440 Clark Road
 Ypsilanti, MI 48198

Principal: Daniel Young

Parents must enroll for Ford STEAM ELC.

Kindergarten Students

Ford STEAM ELC students must enroll with Registration Gateway for Kindergarten Registration. 
Link to Register online: Registration Gateway

Ford ELC offers Pre-kindergarten through 1st grade is committed to providing high-quality instruct Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics will be integrated into traditional academic subjects with practical, hands-on learning experiences. Students who are enrolled during the 2023-2024 school year will be automatically accepted into 2024-2025 school year once this application has been submitted.

Programs for the Fall 2024-2025

  • Young Fives (5 years old by December 1st
  • Kindergarten (5 years old by September 1st
  • Kindergarten Spanish Immersion (5 years old by September 1st)
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 1 Spanish Immersion

Link to YCS Spanish Immersion Program (PDF)

Link to Ford ELC Kindergarten Round-up Flyer (PDF)

READ THIS IMPORTANT NOTICE BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION: Applicants will be notified of acceptance to the program. Please make sure your contact information recorded is correct and current. Once you are notified of acceptance, we will inform you of the next steps to complete enrollment. Students new to YCS must also complete the New Student Registration application (through Registration Gateway):

Parents must enroll through this link for Ford ELC.

What to Bring?
Birth certificate, Immunization records, Proof of Residency, Parent ID, Your child.

Michigan law requires students to be five years old on or before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten.  Students who will turn five years old between September 1st and November 30th  may be considered for enrollment in either Kindergarten or the Young 5 kindergarten by completing a kindergarten and Young 5 Kindergarten Waiver.

For more information about Ford STEAM Early Learning Center go to the School Profiles page.

Perry Early Learning Center

550 Perry Street
 Ypsilanti, MI. 48197

Principal, Brian Dickerson

Perry Early Learning Center believes that all children can learn and is committed to providing an innovative environment that maximizes the development of every child through school, family, and community partnerships. Perry Early Learning Center specializes in early childhood education by providing a high-quality learning experience to children ages 3-7.

Kindergarten Students

Perry ELC students must enroll with Registration Gateway for Kindergarten Registration. 
Link to Register online: Registration Gateway

What to Bring?

Birth certificate, Immunization records, Proof of Residency, Parent ID, Your child

Michigan law requires students to be five years old on or before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten.  Students who will turn five years old between September 1st and November 30th  may be considered for enrollment in either Kindergarten or the Young 5 kindergarten by completing a kindergarten and Young 5 Kindergarten Waiver.

For more information about Perry Early Learning Center go to the School Profiles page.

Ypsilanti International Elementary School

YIES Kindergarten Students

503 Oak Street
 Ypsilanti, MI 48198

Principal: Dr. Cassandra Sheriff

YIES Application for Kindergarten students will open April 1, 2024

Link to YIES Website for Admissions Process 2024-2025

Link to YIES 2024-25 Enrollment and Admissions (PDF)

Link to YIES Kindergarten Flyer

The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 - 12 nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.  The Kindergarten Open House will introduce parents/guardians to the IB PYP programme for elementary students. 

Ypsilanti International Education School (YIES) is a K-5 International Baccalaureate Elementary School that believes in the process of inquiry-based learning in an  experiential, hands-on environment. YIES’ integrated curriculum reaches across disciplines and age levels where students are motivated to achieve their highest potential and meet academic and social challenges with openness, and willingness to become productive citizens. To enroll in YIES, parents must complete an application. 

Parents/Guardians will not be able to register at the sessions. YIES is an application school. The 2024-25 K-5 admissions application opens April 1, 2024. Students and parents can visit, learn about the program, and the application process. 

To register for YIES Kindergarten students:

Complete YIES Kindergarten Application Form

Link to: YIES Website for Admissions Process 2024-25

Michigan law requires students to be five years old on or before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten.  Students who will turn five years old between September 1st and November 30th  may be considered for enrollment in either Kindergarten or the Young 5 kindergarten by completing a kindergarten and Young 5 Kindergarten Waiver.

For more information about YIES go to the School Profiles page.

Link to YIES Website for Admissions Process 2024-2025

Link to YIES 2024-25 Enrollment and Admissions (PDF)

Ypsilanti Connected Community School

Online Instruction

Principal, Kier Ingraham

YPSI Connected Community (YC²) is an online K-8 school that provides a challenging, inquiry-based virtual learning environment to cultivate responsible, active citizens who are connected to their real-world community project-based learn.

Link to YC2 Brochure (PDF)

YC2 Kindergarten students must enroll with Registration Gateway for Kindergarten Registration.  

Link to Register online: Registration Gateway

What to Bring?

Birth certificate, Immunization records, Proof of Residency, Parent ID, Your child

Michigan law requires students to be five years old on or before September 1st to enroll in kindergarten.  Students who will turn five years old between September 1st and November 30th  may be considered for enrollment in either Kindergarten or the Young 5 kindergarten by completing a kindergarten and Young 5 Kindergarten Waiver.

Link to YC2 Brochure (PDF)

Our Values

An unwavering belief in relationships

We believe a nurturing positive relationship with the child and parent are essential to accelerate learning and joy (cultivating the genius in each scholar).

All stakeholders are critical in the education process

We see parents as a valuable asset to their child’s education. We intentional seek out community partnerships to provide learning experiences for our students.

Learning happens everywhere

We believe the home and community are the first learning environments of a student. Learning can take place wherever the brain is engaged.

Passion, curiosity, and inquiry
We are student focused and will cultivate critical thinking skills to support their passions and curiosities.

Great Start Readiness Preschool(GSRP) and Headstart

Preschool registration started TODAY!!!

Have you heard?! We're offering FREE quality preschool for 3 & 4 year-olds!

See if you qualify:

Link to the Interest form 

Welcome to Washtenaw County Quality Preschool Partnership

Preschool Picture

Are you looking for free high quality preschool within Washtenaw County for a child who is 3 to 5 years old and wondering if you qualify? Please fill out our interest form below or call 1(800) 777 - 2861 to determine if your child is eligible to attend a FREE Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) or Head Start preschool program in Washtenaw County.  For more information on available local programs and eligibility criteria, click on 

About Us. Any family wishing to apply for GSRP or Head Start in Washtenaw County must complete this interest form.

Link to the Interest form 

 YCS is Offering Kindergarten and three classrooms: Preschool, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade English & Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program

This program is open to in-district and school of choice students.

Link to Spanish Immersion Kindergarten Registration at Ford - information

YCS ofrece jardín de infantes y dos aulas nuevas: un nuevo preescolar, 1er grado y un nuevo programa de inmersión bilingüe en inglés y español para 2do grado Este programa está abierto a estudiantes del distrito y de la escuela de su elección. 

Este programa está abierto a estudiantes del distrito y de la escuela de su elección.

YCS English & Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program at Ford Early Learning Center and Estabrook Elementary.  

Programa de Inmersión Dual en Inglés y Español de YCS en Ford Early Learning Center.

Link to Spanish Immersion Kindergarten Registration at Ford - information