National Black Lives Matter at School

BLM Week of Action 2020

YCS Black Lives Matter School of Action Week - February 3 - 7

2020 Curriculum Resource Guide
Link to the resource guide

blmresolutionYCS Black Lives Matter Resolution
Link to resolution

Black Lives Matter at School

On Monday, February 3, 2020, the third national Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action begins in schools all across the country. Educators will be teaching lessons about the 13 principles of the Black Lives Matter Global Network and teaching about intersectional Black identities and contributions to history. We have many free downloadable lessons available here to help you participate in the Week of Action.
Link to BLM website



Black Lives Matter 13 Guiding Principles for Young Children

Link to guiding principles information

Read aloud links to videos of a few books:

I Am Enough by Grace Byers

Amazing Grace; by Mary Hoffman

Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut  by Derrick Barnes

At the January Board of Education meeting, the Ypsilanti Community Schools board members passed a resolution to celebrate Black Lives Matter School Week of Action this year and moving forward. YCS staff came together on Monday, February 3, 2020, and wore in unity Black Live Matter t-shirts specially branded with Ypsilanti Community Schools in support of this resolution and program.

Below is a picture collage of the YCS staff wearing and supporting this week of action. The Black Lives Matter at School website was shared with staff and administrators as an educational option for their classrooms and students.

YCS BLM 2020 Collage