Student Support Services
For more information, please contact:
Special Education Director: E. Ruth Jordan:
Special Education Supervisor: Melissa Ayars:
Secretary:Rebecca McKenzie:
Phone: 734-221-1952
Fax: 734-221-1955
Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Grades: Pre-K - 12
Ypsilanti Community School staff members work as educational teams in each building to ensure that all students have the assistance and accommodations needed to support students to progress in the general education curriculum. We serve the majority of our students with disabilities in the general education classroom working to provide our students with the most inclusive, least restrictive environment.
Ypsilanti Community School provides services to students with disabilities in a continuum of educational environments, from regular class placements with special education services and programs to full-day programs in county-based programs. Students receive evaluations in all suspected areas of disabilities. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) determines the type and degree of required services.
YCS participates in mandated Child Find programs and provides services to private programs within our district. The programs are conducted in accordance with the Federal and Michigan Special Education rules and regulations.
The Student Support Services Department provides support for YCS students receiving special education services. Support staff members include resource program teachers, teacher consultant, paraeducators, social workers, speech therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, registered nurses, and physical therapists. They work in collaboration with general education teachers and building principals to coordinate curriculum objectives, introduce and monitor accommodations and modifications and to identify alternative teaching strategies that meet the educational recommendations of each student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
- Parent Support Resources
- Parent Advisory Committee
- Michigan Department of Education: Procedural Safeguards
- 2023-24 YCS Compensatory Education Procedures:
23-24 YCS Compensatory Education Packet.pdf
- MDE Compensatory Education, November 2020:
MDE Guidance - Compensatory Education 11.2020.pdf
- MDE Special Education State Complaints: Procedures and Model Forms, May 2023:
State Complaints Procedures Model Forms 5. 2023
With consideration of federal guidelines and state requirements, specific learning disability eligibility is evaluated using a pattern of strengths and weaknesses. Pattern of strengths and weaknesses method is based on both assessment and review of achievement scores and performance in a variety of academic areas, with documentation of a pattern of strengths in one or more areas as compared to other areas where the student demonstrates a pattern of significant academic weaknesses.
Special Education Department, Washtenaw Intermediate School District
The WISD Special Education Department provides services and programs to the county's school districts, supporting the efforts of local school districts, public school academies and private schools.
Visit the WISD Special Education Department website