2020 Board Meetings
Board Meetings January 14, 2020 - January 11, 2021
Meetings are held on the Second AND Fourth MONDAYS at 6:30pm.
All meetings will be held in the Professional Development room at the
YCS Administration Building
1885 Packard Rd
Ypsilanti MI 48197
Please Note:
- 1) Board packets for Monday meetings will post the Saturday before the meeting at 12:01 a.m.
- 2) Board minutes will be posted after they have been approved by the Board.
=exception to regular schedule
Monday, January 27, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session - Meeting Cancelled
Monday, January 27, 2020 - Regular Meeting - Meeting Cancelled
Monday, February 3, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session
Monday, February 3, 2020 - Regular Meeting
Monday, February 17, 2020 - Regular Meeting*
Monday, March 9, 2020 - Regular Meeting
Monday, March 23, 2020 - Regular Meeting Note: Start time 6:30 pm | Meeting will proceed by remote/electronic participation.
Monday, April 6, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session - MEETING CANCELLED - COVID-19
Special Meeting/Study Session
Monday, April 6, 2020 - Regular Meeting* - MEETING CANCELLED - COVID-19
Monday, April 27, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study SessionĀ - MEETING CANCELLED - COVID-19
Monday, April 27, 2020 - Regular Meeting - MEETING CANCELLED - COVID-19
Monday, May 4, 2020 - Regular Meeting
Monday, May 18, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session - MEETING CANCELLED - COVID-19
Special Meetings/Study Session
Monday, May 18, 2020 - Regular Meeting* - MEETING CANCELLED - COVID-19
Monday, June 8, 2020 - Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page 
Public Content
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: This meeting of the Ypsilanti Community Schools Board of Education will proceed electronically in accordance with Governor Gretchen Whitmer's Executive Order 2020-48 (COVID-19).
If participants do not have technology access, please contact our Director of Technology Nik Jackson for accommodation: techdirector@ycschools.us.
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for public: https://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Stream
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Monday, June 22, 2020 - Special Meeting/Budget Hearing - 5:30 pm - MEETING RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 29, 2020
Monday, June 22, 2020 - Regular Meeting - MEETING RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 29, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020 - Special Meeting/Budget Hearing @ 5:30 p.m.*
Special Meeting/Budget Hearing
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page 
Monday, June 29, 2020 - Regular Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.*
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page
Public Comment and Livestreaming of Board Meeting
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for public: https://bit.ly/YCS_Stream_BoE
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Monday, July 20, 2020 - Special Meeting/Board Workshop
Special Meeting/Board Workshop
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page 
This meeting will be streamed via facebook; which can be directly accessed from this link:
5:30pm Workshop Public Participation Information:
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Monday, July 20, 2020 - Regular Meeting*
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page
For the Regular Meeting
6:30pm BoE Meeting Public Participation Information:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- joining the Webinar directly at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85317329033?pwd=R2lyQ3FLN2dCQ1lTWjRubzZjWTY4QT09
- Password: 118550
- *While attending this meeting in Zoom; at the public comment allotted time; please raise your hand to provide a comment. At that time, the administrator will unmute you to provide your comments. We will unmute a public commentor for the duration of no more than 5 minutes, and will go in order by when your hand was raised.
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +13126266799,,85317329033# or +16468769923,,85317329033#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968
Webinar ID: 853 1732 9033
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kzRJuazw8
For steaming BoE Workshop meeting via link on Facebook:
Stream Link:
Monday, August 10, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session - Meeting Cancelled
Special Meeting/Study Session
Monday, August 10,Ā 2020 - Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: This meeting of the Ypsilanti Community Schools Board of Education will proceed electronically in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order.
If participants do not have technology access, please contact our Director of Technology Nik Jackson for accommodation: techdirector@ycschools.us.
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for public: https://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_STREAM
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
As public comments come in, they will be collected in the order received in the following spreadsheet. Board and Cabinet are the only ones with access:
- Formatted Public Comments: https://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_FormattedComments
- Sheet Collecting Attendance and Comments: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_PublicCommentsCollected
Monday, September 14, 2020 - Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: This meeting of the Ypsilanti Community Schools Board of Education will proceed electronically in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order.
If participants do not have technology access, please contact our Director of Technology Nik Jackson for accommodation: techdirector@ycschools.us.
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for public: https://bit.ly/YCS_STREAM_BOE
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Download Minutes
Monday, October 12, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session
Special Meeting/Study Session
Meeting Information
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for public: https://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_STUDY_STREAM
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
As public comments come in, they will be collected in the order received in the following spreadsheet. Board and Cabinet are the only ones with access:
- Formatted Public Comments: https://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_FormattedComments
- Sheet Collecting Attendance and Comments: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_PublicCommentsCollected
Board Packets do not show up until after midnight on Saturday mornings.
On the Board Docs' website - to view the Board Packet, click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 1. This will take you to another page. Then click on the icon (shown below) which is Step 2.
Step 1: Click on this icon on the Board Docs page 
Step 2: Click on this icon on the next Board Docs page 
Download Minutes
Monday, October 12, 2020 - Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for public: https://bit.ly/Regular_BoE_Stream
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Download Minutes
Monday, October 26, 2020 - Special Meeting/Board Workshop
Special Meeting/Board Workshop
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for the public: stream.meet.google.com/stream/dff10b27-0ca2-4055-8fc8-1a4554fb3b14
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Download Minutes
Monday, October 26, 2020 - Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream:
- View only live stream link for the public:
When asked to log in from the link above, members of the public should pick a two-digit number between 00 and 99, and log in using one of the accounts created for this purpose:
- Usernames: public00@ycschools.us through public99@ycschools.us
- Password: ycspublic
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Download Minutes
Monday, November 9, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session
Special Meeting/Study Session
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Download Minutes
Same link for both Study Session and Regular BoE Meeting (starts at 5:30)
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream: https://www.facebook.com/ypsilanticommunityschools
-or join directly on Zoom-
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Monday, November 9, 2020 - Regular Meeting Note: Start time 5:30 pm
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Download Minutes
Same link for both Study Session and Regular BoE Meeting (starts at 5:30)
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream: https://www.facebook.com/ypsilanticommunityschools
-or join directly on Zoom-
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Monday, November 30, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session*
Special Meeting/Study Session
Electronic Meeting VIA - Zoom
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Download Minutes
As public comments come in, they will be collected in the order received in the following spreadsheet. Board and Cabinet are the only ones with access:
- Formatted Public Comments: https://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_FormattedComments
- Sheet Collecting Attendance and Comments: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_PublicCommentsCollected
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream: https://www.facebook.com/ypsilanticommunityschools
-or join directly on Zoom-
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Monday, December 14, 2020 - Special Meeting/Study Session*
Special Meeting/Study Session
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream: https://www.facebook.com/ypsilanticommunityschools
-or join directly on Zoom-
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Download Minutes
Monday, December 14, 2020 - Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream: https://www.facebook.com/ypsilanticommunityschools
-or join directly on Zoom-
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Download Minutes
Monday, January 11, 2021 - Organizational Meeting & Regular Meeting
URL Link to Board Packet on Board Docs website
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: This meeting of the Ypsilanti Community Schools Board of Education will proceed electronically in accordance with SB1108.
If participants do not have technology access, please contact our Director of Technology Nik Jackson for accommodation: techdirector@ycschools.us.
Public viewers please use the following link to watch the live stream: https://www.facebook.com/ypsilanticommunityschools
-or join directly on Zoom-
The public can register their attendance at the following link. If they would like to ask a question or make a public comment to the Board, there is a place for that, as well:
- Live form: http://bit.ly/YCS_BOE_Comments
- Call in to speak during public comments time: 734-221-1204
Download Minutes
Board Members
Board of Education Meeting Location
YCS Administration Building
1885 Packard Rd
Ypsilanti MI 48197
Professional Development Room
Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in this meeting.
Ypsilanti Community Schools
Learning, Achieving, Succeeding! Reuniting the community through dynamic programming!