About Us
Our Programs
- EMU Bright Futures Program
- Boys and Girls Club of America
- Exceptional Extra Curricular Community Productions (Music, Art, PE, Band)
- Warm, Caring and Nurturing Professional Educators at every level
- Community Math and Literacy Nights
- Committed Parent Advisory Board (PAB)
- Strong School/Community Relationships
- Foster Grandparents Program
- Community Events (Open House Picnic, Erickson Beatification Projects, Culture
- Girls on the Run
- Lego Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- We are a Leader in Me School
Our school is outstanding because...
- Community Math and Literacy Nights
- Committed Family Advisory Board (FAB)
- Strong School/Community Relationships
- Foster Grandparents Program
- Community Events (Open House Picnic, Erickson Beautification Projects, Cultural Celebrations)
- EMU Bright Futures Program
- Mentoring Program
- Exceptional Extra Curricular Community Productions (Music, Art, PE)
- Warm, Caring and Nurturing Professional Educators at every level
School Profile
Vision: Excellence: Equity: Inclusion at Erickson
We are a community of leaders. We recognize, honor and celebrate all of the unique identities that make up the Erickson family.
- Love learning
- Encourage one another,
- Achieve goals together,
- Do what is right.
Special Services Offered in Building
- General Education
- Exceptional Co-curricular Classes: Art, Music, Physical Education, Science
- English Language Learner Support
- Speech Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Programs for students with disabilities
- School Social Workers
- School Nurse
- Intervention Teachers
- Science Olympiad
- Therapaws: Reading Therapy Dogs
- EMU Bright Futures Afterschool Program
- U of M Ready, Set, Go Blue
- U of M Empire for the Youth Social Skills and Academic Support
- Tutoring
- Foster Grandparents Program
- Strong School/Community Partnerships
- Parent Leadership Team
- Family Fun Curriculum Nights
Class Size Averages
- Elementary: 24.4
- Teachers (Full-Time Equivalent): 35
- Support Staff: 15
- Administrators: 1
- Principal- Kelly Mickel
School Communication
Erickson Elementary

Kelly Mickel