Welcome to Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College

Mission Statement

The mission of Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College is to prepare students for success in college, career, and life through mentor relationships and by providing real-world STEM-based experiences.

Accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year. 

Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College 2095 Packard Rd. MI 48197 Phone: 734-221-1000 Fax: 734-221-1103

Program Overview

  • Blends high school and college, resulting in a high school diploma and 15-60 transferable college credits. 
  • Typically a 5 year program = 3 high school + 2 college 
  • Ability to dual enroll at WCC depends on:
    • GPA
    • Accuplacer college reading and writing readiness scores
    • Soft skills certification
  • MEMCA - State Accredited Middle College
  • Career Technical Education (CTE) provided within YCS
    • Culinary
    • Auto Tech
    • Auto Body

A Brief History

In 2015 the Michigan Department of Education endorsed the Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College as one of a small number of Middle College High Schools in the State of Michigan.

The Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College is working with the Michigan Early/Middle College Association (MEMCA), the Michigan Department of Education and Washtenaw Community College to significantly increase the high school, collegiate and post-secondary success and completion rate of Ypsilanti youth.

The Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College was granted MEMCA Accreditation on Dec. 1, 2016.


Ypsilanti Community High School Virtual Tour


  • Up to 60+ FREE transferable college credits with an associates degree
  • FREE transportation to YCS and WCC campuses
  • Mentoring and support from teachers and advisors while transitioning from high school to college
  • Engineering and Manufacturing experiences 
  • Participation in YCS athletics and elective courses
  • World-class FIRST Robotics Team 
  • U of M, EMU and WCC Partnerships 
  • Engineering and Manufacturing experiences as part of the Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College Curriculum
  • Annual updating of Educational Development Plan specific for each student
  • MEMCA Technical Certifications Offered:
    • Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
    • Computer systems technology
    • Construction technology
    • Engineering design & technology
    • Aviation technology
    • Machine Tool Technology 

Core Values

  • College Readiness
  • Teamwork 
  • Diversity
  • Gracious Professionalism


Please note that if you do not have access to conduct a remote Parent/Guardian Conference, and need support, you can call the main office at EAST Middle School (YCMS) to speak with a secretary and/or an administrator that will connect you to your scholars teachers.Please call 734-221-2201 to speak with someone.

The numbers for YCHS (734-221-1000) and YCMS Main Line (734-221-2200) ARE NOT working at this time. No one will be there to accept your call. Please call 734-221-2201 to reach a secretary or an administrator.


Grizzly Robotics Website and Information

Robotics Students
Please complete this form in order to travel with the team.

Robotics Student Information Form

Parents of Robotics Students
Please complete this form in order for your student to travel with the team.

Robotics Parent Information Form

FIRST Robotics Engineering Principles

The idea for the YCHS STEMM Middle College grew out of work with our FIRST Robotics Team 66. Using FIRST principles, engaging our students in engineering principles to design and compete in FIRST Robotic Competitions allowed us to design a highly competitive robotics program, from which our drive to build a STEMM Community arose. FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science and Technology) is the backbone of this Middle College.  FIRST’s mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership (www.firstinspires.org).

Grade Levels

9th - 13th Grades

STEMM Middle College Coordinator 

Dan Schunck

Dual Enrollment Coordinator

Rachel Kreuzer

STEMM Counselor

Lindsay Bohn

School Hours

Full Day
7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1/2 Day Early Dismissal
7:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

The Ypsilanti STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Manufacturing) Middle College offers a rigorous, relevant and technologically advanced learning experience for all students. Businesses, community partnerships, and STEMM-based electives are used to create and incorporate real-world experiences in the learning process. Inquiry and project-based instructional best practices are implemented to ensure every student accomplishes their goals. In order to create a meaningful educational experience, we have established a system of shared responsibility and collaboration, supported by the trust and respect of students, staff, and the community. The culminating learning experience for STEMM will be a Senior Capstone project. 

Athletic Office