
Academic Enrichment and Programs 

Grizzly Robotics Weekly Meetings

The Grizzly Robotics FIRST Robotics team has weekly meetings on Tuesdays from 6-9 PM.  Mentors from STEM fields work with small groups of students to train and manage off-season projects in the areas of programming, 3D modeling, mechanical/electrical engineering, machine shop safety, and business/marketing.  

Academic Tutoring

Math tutoring is offered at lunch for any student.

Check with individual teachers for when they offer tutoring for their specific class.

Upward Bound & Bright Futures

Both programs meet after school each week.

Upward Bound Information & Application 

Bright Futures Information

Test Taking and Academic Resources

Khan Academy - "Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom." "No ads, no subscriptions. We are a not-for-profit because we believe in a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We rely on our community of thousands of volunteers and donors. Learn more about getting involved today." Khan Academy resources are aligned with the SAT Standardized Test.

For Juniors taking the SAT Test this spring, here are some Practice SAT Tests Videos.

ONLY Through JAN!!!  Take Full Length SAT Practice Tests! 

Washtenaw Community College Preparation - WCC Entrance Exam - Accuplacer. It is a comprehensive assessment, advising and retention tool. The test enables postsecondary institutions increase the likelihood that entering students would achieve educational success and retention through proper initial class placement.

College Board -  Has many resources for students, including: Practice and Test Preparation for the Accuplacer, PSAT, and SAT.

All About Circuits Resources