Wednesday, October 4, 2023, is Count Day!
Dear Grizzly Families,
At YCS, it is important for us that each of our students attend school daily. School attendance is extremely important for learning outcomes to be met and counts every day, but on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, attendance counts for something more– it counts for 90% of our school funding.
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Michigan Seal of Biliteracy
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Ypsilanti Community Schools via We have exciting news for YCS students! Ypsilanti Community Schools and the Ypsilanti District Library are partnering to give every YCS student a free full-access library card with no late fees for borrowed items. The card is good at any Ypsilanti District Library branch for as long as your student remains enrolled in Ypsilanti Community Schools. You don't have to do anything more for your YCS student to receive a free full-access library card. However, if you wish for your student not to participate in the free full-access library card program, please contact the main office at your student's school. Thank you! We are truly excited about the resources and learning opportunities this partnership will provide YCS students
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:Ypsilanti Community School buildings will be closed Thursday, February 3. Please note that Thursday, February 3, 2022, will be a live virtual learning day for all YCS students. Please find an attached letter from Dr. Zachery-Ross regarding tomorrow's virtual learning day and any future school closings due to weather conditions.
826michigan offers a range of virtual or distance learning activities structured around our core values: we use writing to understand, stay connected, and build a better world.