Statewide Field Team (SWFT):  Blueprint Installation

A new session of instructor led, online courses begins on  January 13 and runs through March 10, 2021. These  courses are FREE to Ypsilanti Community Schools  staff. A bonus . . . you can earn SCECHs for full course  completion. The following courses are recommended:

 Changing Minds to Address Poverty in the Classroom: 12 SCECHs 

Based on the work of Eric Jensen, this course provides  background on the effect living in poverty has on students’  brains and their learning in the classroom. The course  moves beyond the theory and provides practical  classroom strategies that enrich the learning environment  and increase the likelihood of success for students living  in poverty. Participants will explore seven essential  mindsets shown to positively impact student learning.  This course provides strategies and tools to make  changes in your classroom so students living in poverty  have a greater chance of learning what they need to  succeed in your classroom and in life. 

Collaborative Learning Cycle: 5 SCECHs 

Powerful data conversations can lead to powerful  changes in instruction and dramatic improvement in  student achievement. This online course focuses on  what an effective data conversation looks like using  Wellman and Lipton’s Collaborative Learning Cycle as  well as how to facilitate these important conversations. 

Teacher Collaborative Routines: 7 SCECHs This course consists of several modules designed to  develop a theoretical understanding of each practice of  teacher collaborative routines as defined in the Blueprint  systems framework Evidence of Practice. This course  will provide not only the research supporting collaborative  best practices, but it will also provide practical support  and examples that will enable teachers to move from  theory to impactful and sustainable collaborative routines. 

Educational Improvement Through Systems: 5  SCECHs 

*New course* This course will address a variety of ideas  around how systems in classrooms, schools, and  districts support continuous improvement. This course  is designed to help you learn about systems by  examining a case study, and looking at examples of  systems from your daily life and your experiences in  schools. 

You may register for all of these courses on our website  under SWFT Online Learning ( Please reach out if you have questions or would like registration assistance. 

Sarah Scott, SWFT Coordinator of Professional Learning

(Ypsilanti Community Schools)