Return to school for F2F students and staff. Now we are looking forward to the phase in of all of our staff and students beginning in March. These are exciting times!!! We are stronger together.
Below are processes that are included in each newsletter, please read carefully:
All absences including personal time off must be reported in AESOP. Absences not reported in AESOP may result in a loss of wages AND RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
Reporting absences is mandatory and an expectation of each employee. You must report all absences in AESOP including daily absences and extended medical leaves. Daily absences must be reported at least 1 hour before you are scheduled to work. It is a professional courtesy to notify your immediate supervisor as well. Please contact your immediate supervisor for guidance on how to contact him/her. If you need help with access to AESOP contact Lois Nowling at
Medical Leaves short or long term require a doctor’s slip to go off from and return to work. If you need a leave of absence for any reason you must follow this process: 1) Get a doctor’s slip to Human Resources. The slip must include your expected leave dates. It is not required to have a diagnosis on the slip at any time; 2) Complete Family Medical Leave Act paperwork; 3) If you believe you will be out for an extended time and you have district insurance - you may need to complete the long term disability paperwork for MESSA.
Once you are able to return to work you must follow this process: 1) Prior to reporting to work you must submit a doctor’s release that includes your doctor approved return to work date; 2) Notify your immediate supervisor of your return. It is crucial that you do not report to work prior to providing a release from your doctor. This process is a case-by-case issue as each medical leave is unique to each employee. Contact Human Resources for additional information prior to taking a leave or returning to work.
Mandatory Meaningful work assignments have been going fantastic! These assignments are so beneficial to each location and will continue as we move forward from January to June.
Communication and EMAIL - In order for the district to communicate and provide current information to all staff we use the YCS email system. The district has worked hard to develop a system for communication using the Blueprint Protocol to make sure that you have a way to get and return communication. You must do your part as well- check your email at least 2 times per day. This is a district-wide, mandatory expectation for all staff. If you are experiencing difficulties with your email please contact your immediate supervisor or whenever possible contact technology using so our team can support you.
Check Stubs: Employees receive an electronic check stub every payroll through e-suites. This pay stub also contains your personal time off balances. Attached is the link that will guide you through the setup to activate an account in New World. New World allows you to view your e-suite account.
Certification Renewal- It is that time of year when all certified staff should review their teacher/social worker/administrator etc., certifications and note the expiration date. Courtesy notices will be sent out to staff that certification will expire on June 30, but it is the employees’ responsibility to renew certification.
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”-Lou Holtz
Sue McCarty -- Human Resources Director