Link to read the superintendent's letter
Fall Planning
With just two short weeks left in the school year, we have turned our attention to what education in our district will look like for the 2020-2021 school year.
This planning process includes a “go slow to go fast model” that we embrace as a district and includes a process to incorporate the voices of students, staff, and our community stakeholders' to guide our decisions. Our goal is to make sound, comprehensive decisions in the best interest of our students, which may mean the decisions seem delayed. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
There are many considerations within each of the scenarios listed above that need your input. Our committees and task force groups are utilizing the MI-Excel Blueprint system of meetings and planning tools to address questions, prioritize work, develop innovative methods of providing high-quality instruction, and finally to create action steps.
You will be included in multiple ways, the first is a survey. This survey is designed to gather your specific family/staff preferences to guide our planning process. The enrollment survey is for family input. The staff survey is for current YCS employees’ input. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and needs by clicking on the appropriate link below:
Enrollment Survey
Staff Survey
Once we have gathered your feedback, we will incorporate it into our plans and invite you to a virtual presentation to learn more and be able to ask questions and provide suggestions. This will be a collaborative effort as we work toward our goal of meeting the educational and safety needs of all of our students and staff. Please continue to look for our updates as we continue to intentionally plan for the 20-21 school year.