Holmes’ Staff Weekly Update
1/13 - 1/17
Holmes Notes:
NWEA Winter Window is January 13th - February 7th. NWEA Winter Schedule...UPDATED Please review.
Teachers, please review your NWEA rosters on the NWEA site. Please send me any students that need to be added AND any students that need to be removed from your rosters. We would like to make sure that rosters are updated and are ready for NWEA testing on January 13th.
NWEA student preparation - A reminder of some key ideas that can help students optimize their performance for next week’s testing:
Remind students WHY they are taking the NWEA and what we are going to do with this information.
Goal Setting with students from Fall, to Winter, to Spring.
Remind students the test is only designed to get 50% correct...Proximal Development.
Here is a list of some other NWEA Talking Points that may be helpful for students.
Data Wall
Our NWEA math data wall is now in the staff lounge. A big shout out to Kim for working on this! Thank you Kim. Data Wall
School Improvement Surveys
If you haven’t already please complete the 2019-20 teacher survey. This was due Friday, January 10th. Teacher Survey
For all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers, if you haven’t already, please have your students complete the 2019-20 student survey by Friday, January 17th. Student Survey
Imagine Math/Imagine Learning PD - January 22nd
On January 22nd, Andy from Imagine Math/Imagine Learning will be at Holmes all day for PD. His schedule is arranged so grade level teams can meet with him during their prep time. He is available to go over anything you need support with (navigation, reports, etc.) Teachers should come with questions and any areas they need support with. Kim will send each grade level team an invitation.
Upcoming District Assessments:
DRA Progress Monitoring deadline is January 22nd.
EDM - Unit 4 post cumulative assessment deadline is January 22nd.
2019-20 YCS Assessment Calendar
Happening This Week:
Monday, 1/13 - NWEA testing, Morning Announcements for the week (Bearman) Announcements Information Skill: Choices
Tuesday, 1/14 - NWEA testing, Greg @ DNT mtg 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Staff Meeting Time 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Wednesday, 1/15 - NWEA testing, BNT mtg 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Thursday, 1/16 - NWEA testing
Friday, 1/17 - Half-Day of School 10:45 am Dismissal, Grizzly Gathering Skill: Choices, Tornado Drill 9 am, Staff PD Afternoon 11:45 am - 2:30 pm PD Schedule
The Week Ahead:
Monday, 1/20 - NO SCHOOL - MLK DAY.
Tuesday, 1/21 - Morning Announcements for the week (McKinney) Announcements Information Skill: Choices, NWEA testing, Greg @ DNT mtg 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Staff Meeting Time 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Wednesday, 1/22 - NWEA testing
Thursday, 1/23 - Half-Day of School 10:45 am Dismissal, Building PD (TBD)
Friday, 1/24 - Half-Day of School 10:45 am Dismissal, Staff Records Day
Good Reads for the Week:
Interesting information on...Mental Health of Teachers
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, January 22nd - Holmes 826 Writing Night 5-7 pm.
Monday, February 10th - National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) more information forthcoming