
Bell Schedule information for Ypsilanti Community Schools.

Click on the link below to go to Bell Schedule Page.

Link to Bell Schedule

Code of Conduct information for Ypsilanti Community Schools. 

Click on the links below to go to the Code of Conduct documents.

Code of Conduct - English

Code of Conduct - English 2024–25

Code of Conduct - Spanish

Dress Code Policy for Ypsilanti Community Schools

Information about the dress code policy for all high school SLCs and the Middle School Campus. Click on the link below to go to Dress Code Policy.

Dress code policy

MStep Practice information for Ypsilanti Community Schools.

Click on the link below to go to MStep Practice Tests Page.

MStep PracticeTests 

Symbaloo page links for schools.

Click on the link below to go to the Symbaloo pages.

Erickson Symbaloo

Estabrook Symbaloo

Ford Symbaloo

Holmes Symbaloo

Perry Symbaloo

YIES Symbaloo

YCS Preschool and Kindergarten Age Eligibility Guidelines 2025-26

YCS Preschool and Kindergarten Age Eligibility Guidelines
 2025-26 School Year 

Welcome to Ypsilanti Community Schools Preschool and Kindergarten Programs. We look forward to getting to know you and your family. 

The information below will assist you in the registration process.

Early Headstart

  • Eligibility: Ages 18 months - 36 months by December 1, 2025

DOB Eligibility: For Age 18 months 6/1/2024

DOB Eligibility: For Age 36 months 12/1/2022


  • Eligibility: Age 3 by December 1st, 2025

DOB Eligibility:  12/1/2021 through 11/30/2022

  • Eligibility:  Age 4 by December 1st, 2025 

DOB Eligibility: 12/1/2020 through 12/1/2021

Our preschool program promotes social, emotional, and academic growth for children aged three to four. Skilled teachers offer engaging activities in math, science, reading, and writing, helping children develop essential Kindergarten readiness skills for future success.

Young Fives

Young Fives is a two-year Kindergarten program designed for children turning 5 years old between June 1 and December 1st.

  • Eligibility:

DOB Eligibility: 6/1/2020 through 12/1/2020

Our program establishes a strong foundation for future success in all learning areas. Children learn through hands-on activities, songs, and games, making the process enjoyable. Ongoing assessments track personal growth. After our two-year Kindeergarten program, children are ready for first grade.

Students who turn 5 after August 31st should enroll in the preschool program.


Eligibility: According to Michigan Compiled Law under MCL 380.1147 and 388.1606, the enrollment age for incoming Kindergarten students is as follows:

Students must turn 5 by September 1, 2025.

  • Eligibility:

DOB Eligibility: 12/1/2019 through 9/1/2020

Exceptions Provided for Kindergarten Enrollment Age

If your child turns five between September 1 and December 1, you can submit a Kindergarten Waiver Request Form before the school year starts. The school district will evaluate your child's readiness for kindergarten based on age and development. They will work with you to find the best placement for your child's educational start.

Link to Kindergarten Waiver